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School Activities / Trips / Sports

Students may be excused from class for a variety of different school activities.  These can include activities that take place on or off-campus and can span different times/hours or days.  Examples include:  Field Trips, Sporting Events, Assemblies, Testing and other student activities.

It is the responsibility of the supervising staff/teacher/coach to excuse students from class for a planned activity.  Excusals are communicated to the Attendance Office in advance of an activity. 

If a student is unable to participate in a planned activity (e.g. they stay home from school due to illness on the day of the field trip), a parent may report the absence in ParentVUE per normal reporting procedures and notify the supervising staff that the student will not be participating in the planned activity.

If you believe your student’s attendance was incorrectly recorded (included / excluded) from a planned school activity, please contact the supervising staff with your concerns.  They will submit changes or corrections to the Attendance Office.