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Advanced Placement Exam

How does my AP test score turn into college credit?

For Arizona, schools go to AZ Transfer.   Always check with your target college to see how your AP test score will transfer as college credit.

To learn more about how AP scores transfer to out-of-state schools, visit Collegeboard’s AP Credit Policy Search.

AP 2023 Exam Dates, Fees, and Registration Information

AP exams are scheduled by Collegeboard and must be taken at the scheduled time.  Some exams extend to after school hours and no one will be dismissed early.  Please check the AP exam schedule and plan accordingly.  Find the AP Exam schedule here.

The deadline to register and pay for exams is November 1st

Registration and Payment for AP Exams is a 2-step process (same process as last year). 
1. MYAP Step – Every AP student must join their AP classroom for each subject and indicate YES or No to taking the test.  Join codes can be found from the teacher or AP Coordinator.  Visit: Join Your AP Class Section Online for instructions on how to complete this process.  

2. School Step (if taking the test) – Submit payment along with the AP Exam Order form (found from your AP teacher or AP Coordinator) to the bookstore.  Payment can also be made online through InTouch:  az-higley.intouchreceipting.  If payment is made online, please submit the AP Exam order form to the bookstore for confirmation.   AP Exam Order Form 

AP Test fee = $98;  Seminar and Research fee = $146

  • Exams will not be ordered if not registered and paid for by payment deadline. 
  • No Refunds on AP Exams - Only sign up for exams you are committed to take. 
  • Financial aid is available to those who qualify based on federal guidelines.  See the AP Coordinator if you think you qualify.

Please visit the AP Exams Overview for current exam information.  The AP Exam schedule can be viewed on the 2024 AP Exam Dates on the Collegeboard website.